Saturday 16 May 2015

Eco Elite Lite !


Ey up my faithful blogworms, this week there have been major changes here at Milestone HQ. In response to questions and enquiries we have taken the massive decision .. to us anyway .. to make our Premium product - 'Eco Elite' - more affordable to more people !!

What ? --- How? I hear you ask.

The whole ethos behind Elite was to be sympathetic to the tree, how it grew, where it grew and how to get the best sustainable use from it.

Well ... basically that hasn't changed, phew ! ... I hear the gasp. 

The element of Elite that took it into the premium brand sector was the sheer work, time and skill that went into grain running and matching across, not just one or two doors, but the whole kitchen. 

However, we had an enquiry for Elite, from someone who loved the overall concept but couldn't afford the level we normally take it to. A suggestion we offered was to make a kitchen for them with all the other bits that make it special, kept in place, but not go with the grain running idea.

This, of course, makes Elite far, far less costly to produce but maintains every other aspect.

It does mean that each door is still hand made but an item in it's own right, not having to match up to it's neighbour.

This enormously cuts down the time involved in manufacture and as time is money, it costs less to produce.

We reckon it takes off around 40 to 50% of the cost depending on the size of the kitchen layout.

That's how we make a premium product retain it's integrity but lower it's cost. And as it's our own product we can adapt it to suit anyones requirements if we feel the end justifies the means.
It's that Good Old Milestone versatility cropping up once more.

So if you've spent time drooling over 'Elite' on our website, thinking "There's no way I can afford that even though it is beautiful", well now you can !!

FOOTNOTE: We've even started making the fabulous tree branch handles for you to buy to put on your own kitchen !! How cool is that ??

We're thinking of this new development as a sort "Eco Elite Lite"

Making Eco more affordable all the time. Jules.

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